
???????????????????????????????There was standing room only last Saturday when Denis and Robyn were ordained into the priesthood by Bishop Andrew, on the Saints day of St Philip and St James. All the beauty of praise and worship began with the procession of white robed visiting clergy, many of them women, and  three Bishops.

Many clerical collars were also noted among the congregation. The “Welcome to Country” was  extended, then the haunting notes of the didgeridoo.It was special also to hear the choir of voices singing the “Venite Spiritus “, Come Holy Spirit, to the solo voice of the oboe.???????????????????????????????

???????????????????????????????The procession exited in reverse order, finally with the Bishop leading the hand clapping chorus of celebration and thanksgiving. At the luncheon following, it was wonderful to catch up with so many former clergy and parishioners, many of whom were able to attend the Sunday service as well.

There were several from interstate, but the most distant travellers were from the U.K,. being Denis and Helen’s daughter Megan with baby Edward . Some famous faces in the crowd were Rev’ds Wendy Pullin, Heather Blackman, Gary Fordham, Ron White, and Mike Vercoe. Among the former parishioners were Alan and Maree Pegg, Jenny and Jim Mitchell and Neil Buller. ???????????????????????????????Many of the visiting clergy had been wonderful men and women serving our parish as locums over the two years of  vacancy until we were blessed with our new Rector, Jan Harper.

On Sunday Denis presided over his first Eucharist, a great moment after a journey of forty years, but not in the wilderness by any means!     Joan Mellahn

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